Protect Your Eyes: What you need to know about the April 8th Solar Eclipse

The upcoming April 8th Solar Eclipse is an eagerly anticipated celestial event. As the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, a breathtaking display of astronomical beauty will unfold. However, amidst the excitement, the importance of eye safety cannot be overstated. It’s crucial to ensure that your eyes are adequately protected before observing this rare… Read More
Understanding Laser Eye Surgery
Though the origins of laser eye surgery date back nearly fifty years, the constant improvements have resulted in less pain, shorter downtime, and increased visual benefits for patients. How Does Laser Eye Surgery Work? Laser eye surgery has helped millions of people be able to eliminate the need for cumbersome glasses or contacts. There are… Read More
Effective Laser Cataract Surgery Using the LenSx System

After reading our blog post on the LenSx system, you’ll have learned: What the LenSx system is and how it can help your cataracts What occurs during LenSx cataract surgery and how long the recovery process is What makes someone an ideal candidate for the surgery Traditional cataract surgery has long been deemed safe by… Read More
Benefits of Laser Cataract Surgery

If you’re experiencing cloudy or blurred vision, especially at night, you may have developed a cataract in at least one of your eyes. Other potential symptoms include: Dimmed, muted colors Eyeglass or lens prescriptions require frequent changes A yellow tint to everything you see Increased sensitivity to light Seeing halos around lights Should you leave… Read More
Cataract Surgery: Laser vs Traditional

After reading our guide on the difference between traditional and laser cataract surgery, you’ll know: What a cataract is, its causes, and potential treatments What happens during traditional cataract surgery What happens during laser cataract surgery As laser technology improves, the risk and performance of new surgical methods have far outpaced their traditional counterparts. Still,… Read More
Norman Taylor’s Story
Norman Taylor is, without a doubt, one of Dr. Shelby’s all-time favorite patients. With his positive attitude, humble nature and stellar personality, it’s easy to understand why. It’s important to note, while LASIK and SMILE are the most well known Laser Vision Correction procedures in the US, PRK is still very relevant and needed…. Read More
Are you a SMILE Candidate?
Do you have blurry vision or are you nearsighted? Do glasses or contact lenses inconvenience your daily life? Do you often experience dry eye symptoms? Are your eyes intolerant of contact lenses? Do you play contact sports or work on a flight crew, as rescue personnel, or in the military? If you answered yes to… Read More
LASIK and SMILE: The future is brighter a with a new laser vision correction technology option
Whether LASIK or SMILE is the laser vision correction best suited for you, your vision for the future can be sharpened. As you know, LASIK has been helping patients for more than 25 years to see more clearly without glasses. Today we want to tell you about the newest laser vision correction technology coming to… Read More
Game-Changer for Cataracts
Steve Rainey thrilled with everything he sees Soon after his 40th birthday, Steve Rainey, of Atlanta, Texas, says his arms “got too short.” Like so many others, he began wearing glasses but as the years passed, he noticed his eyesight grew progressively worse. The estate and financial planner, now 73, began to have trouble seeing… Read More
Causes of Blurry Vision
Understanding your vision is the first step in improving it! Most people deal with some amount and form of unclear vision. From nearsightedness to farsightedness, astigmatism to old age, everyone’s eyes and clarity of vision are different. The more you know about what causes blurry, unclear vision, the better decisions you can make to care… Read More