Monthly Archives: September 2021

Benefits of Laser Cataract Surgery

The Cataract Surgeons performing laser eye surgery

If you’re experiencing cloudy or blurred vision, especially at night, you may have developed a cataract in at least one of your eyes. Other potential symptoms include: Dimmed, muted colors Eyeglass or lens prescriptions require frequent changes A yellow tint to everything you see Increased sensitivity to light Seeing halos around lights Should you leave… Read More

Cataract Surgery: What to Expect Before, During and After

Person with a healthy eye and an unhealthy eye

After reading our blog post about how to prepare for laser cataract surgery, you’ll learn: The best way to prepare for your upcoming surgery What you can expect to experience during your surgery How to take care of yourself afterward to help aid a successful recovery period Cataract surgery is common, safe, and effective. Still,… Read More