Are you a SMILE Candidate?

Minimally invasive SMILE eye surgery infographic

Patient smiling after SMILE Eye Surgery

  • Do you have blurry vision or are you nearsighted?
  • Do glasses or contact lenses inconvenience your daily life?
  • Do you often experience dry eye symptoms?
  • Are your eyes intolerant of contact lenses?
  • Do you play contact sports or work on a flight crew, as rescue personnel, or in the military?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, SMILE might be the best laser vision correction option for you.

As part of any laser vision correction program, each patient has to go through a detailed eye examination with an eye doctor to fully determine their suitability for both SMILE and LASIK. Factors your eye doctor will take into consideration include the nature and degree of the refractive error and the curvature and thickness of the cornea.

SMILE is a gentle, minimally invasive procedure. It is also odorless and noiseless, making it an attractive option for patients seeking laser vision correction. Overall, it tends to be a very comfortable and convenient experience. Patients are able to resume most normal daily activities within a day, including driving, showering, applying makeup and going to work.

Call us today, (318) 212-2015, to discuss the best laser vision correction option for you!